Our school has over 100 staff, including 70+ teachers. Teachers work in faculty teams, usually in at least two. Each faculty has a Head of Department, in charge of curriculum, learning and teaching within all subjects in the faculty. There are three Deputy Principals assisting the Principal. Our Business Services Manager supervises non-teaching staff, finance and facilities. We also have a range of non-teaching staff, including teacher aides, administration officers, grounds, facilities and scientific officers, computer technicians and cleaners.
Principal | Email |
Mrs Heather Blessington | hmoll2@eq.edu.au |
Deputy Principals | Position | Email |
Mr Leon Sternberg (Acting) | Year 7 & 8
| lster4@eq.edu.au |
Mrs Nicole Gray | Year 9 & 10
| ngray59@eq.edu.au |
Mrs Tarah Vardy | Year 11 & 12 | tvard2@eq.edu.au
Business Managers
| Email |
Mrs Rebecca Todd & Ms Erika Davis
| accounts@tannumsandsshs.eq.edu.au |
Head of Departments | Staff member | Email |
English | Mrs Kirsten Kane | kkane4@eq.edu.au |
Mathematics | Mr Farshid Paymon | fpaym1@eq.edu.au
Science | Mr Craig Airton | cairt1@eq.edu.au |
Health and Physical Education | Mr Sam Barrow (Acting) | srbar0@eq.edu.au |
Humanities | Mr Jordan Fisher | jwfis0@eq.edu.au
Special Support Services | Mrs Britt Tchoudam-Wells | btcho1@eq.edu.au |
Manual Art, Home Economics and Digital Technology | Mr Gary Hill | ghill14@eq.edu.au |
Arts, Instrumental Music | Ms Kristyn Cleaver-Peacock | kacle0@eq.edu.au |
Senior Schooling | Ms Shona Williamson | shall34@eq.edu.au |
Junior Secondary | Ms Kristyn Cleaver-Peacock | kacle0@eq.edu.au |
The main role of the Head of Year is to support and monitor students' academic progress. The Head of Year will have a focus on knowing the students and their circumstances very well. A key target for Heads of Year is improvement in student Learning Engagement.
Year level | Staff member | Email |
Year 7 | Mrs Margie Keefe | mmkee0@eq.edu.au
Year 8 | Ms Amanda Ford | aford68@eq.edu.au
Year 9
| Miss Caity Nix
| canix0@eq.edu.au |
Year 10 | Ms Wanda Gordon
| wxgor0@eq.edu.au
Year 11 | Miss Georgie Stubbs
| gstub11@eq.edu.au
Year 12 | Ms Edwina Harding
| ehard31@eq.edu.au
Position | Staff Member | Email |
Guidance Officer (Yr 7&8) | Miss Janelle Bowmaker
| jbowm14@eq.edu.au |
Guidance Officer (Yr 9 Mon - Wed) | Miss Tashi Campbell | tcamp192@eq.edu.au |
Guidance Officer (Yr 10 - Wed - Fri)
| Ms Caitlin Roffey
| croff0@eq.edu.au
Guidance Officer (Yr 11&12) | Ms Kim Murray | kmurr76@eq.edu.au |
School Based Nurse | Mrs Nicky Hurst | nhurs11@eq.edu.au |
Community Education Counsellor
| Miss Djinda Phillips
| dphil160@eq.edu.au
Indigenous Education Support | Ms Deidre Carey | dcare13@eq.edu.au |
Youth Support Coordinator (Yr 10, 11 & 12) | Kimberly Sayre
| kasyr0@eq.edu.au
Youth Support Worker (Yr 7, 8 & 9)
| Gloria Wagner
| gwagn12@eq.edu.au
Position | Staff member | Email |
Canteen Convenor | Ms Jacki Westlake | (07) 4979 9735 |
P & C | President Mr Daniel Lambert
| pandc@tannumsandsshs.eq.edu.au |
Position | Staff member | Email |
School Groundsman | Mr Aaron Hill
| ahill436@eq.edu.au |
School Site I.T Technicians | Mr Jeff Burrows & Mr Alex Crabtree | 0231_infotech@eq.edu.au |
School Facilities Officer | | pgow8@eq.edu.au |