Leadership at Tannum High
With a central focus on the school values of Respect, Responsibility and Excellence, student leadership at Tannum Sands State High School builds not just student capacity but rather the next leaders within our community. Our student leadership team has a key emphasis on connecting to our entire school body, emulating the expectations of our school and building strong foundations with our parents and local community. As a proud school within our community, our leadership team looks to lead the way in being active members in the local area, helping to contribute and build success inside and outside the school gates.
All candidates are selected based on their own merit and how they interact and contribute to our school.
The student council consist of 2 School Captains and 2 School Vice Captains selected from the current year 11 cohort. Additionally, 2 Senior House Leaders for each house are selected from the year 10/11 cohorts in combination with 2 Junior House Leaders from the year 8/9 cohorts, as well as Instrumental Music Leaders and STARS Leaders.
Leadership process (PDF, 126KB)
School captain application (PDF 97KB)
House leader application (PDF, 132KB)
Music leader application (PDF, 97KB)
Stars leader application (PDF, 132KB)